Restored Hope Ministries

     Human trafficking is a human rights violation that occurs all around the world. Trafficking comes in different forms, such as sex and labor exploitation. Texas is a hub for this abuse, ranking second in the United States in the number of reported trafficking cases.[1]


      Restored Hope Ministries, a 501c3 organization, was founded in 2012 with the goal of escuing women trapped in sexual exploitation, sex abuse, and domestic violence. Their mission is: “To reach, rescue and restore women and their children to normal lives who have been affected by the adverse conditions of life that include: sexual exploitation, human slavery, sexual abuse, poverty, domestic violence, homelessness, and interaction with the criminal justice system through education and unconditional love”[2] They provide food, clothing, and shelter to women between the ages of seventeen and forty-five, for eighteen to twenty-four months.[3]


      The program is divided into two main parts, called Restoration and Empowerment. Restoration lasts approximately twelve to fifteen months, during this time women attend Celebrate Recovery classes, individual and group counseling, Bible studies, and more.[4] Restored Hope Ministries also provides minor medical and dental services, all at no cost to the women. During the Empowerment phase, help is provided in finding jobs, and women are given time to establish a financial foundation before graduating the program. After graduation, participants are given the option to move into a furnished apartment.[5]


      A third phase is available to those living in the apartments that involves additional training and an internship with the organization. Secure bank accounts are set up in each woman’s name, and their paychecks are deposited directly into them.[6]


      Restored Hope Ministries works with various agencies, such as: “Home Land Security, The FBI, local law enforcement agencies, courts, prisons, and other trafficking and domestic violence programs as well as taking victims right off the streets through outreach and simply educating others to recognize a victim when seen.”[7]


      By 2019, the program served ninety-seven women who have stayed for varying lengths of time, with at least thirty-six graduating the program. Only two percent of participants have returned to the sex industry.[8]


      Restored Hope Ministries is an important organization right here in Dallas that is making a difference in the lives of many women who are experiencing human rights abuses. By providing women with a safe place to stay, food, medical services, education, bank accounts, and access to jobs, the program helps them build strong foundations with which to move into the future. This support is vital in breaking the cycles of abuse, as well as bringing awareness to human rights violations. It also provides the community with a way to get involved.


[1] “6 Truths About Human Trafficking in Texas - Upbring.” Upbring,

[2] Restored Hope Ministries. “Learn More About Our Vision + Mission”

[3] Restored Hope Ministries. “Learn about Our Program

[4] Restored Hope Ministries. “Learn More About Our Vision + Mission”

[5] Restored Hope Ministries. “Learn about Our Program

[6] Restored Hope Ministries. “Learn More About Our Vision + Mission”

[7] “Support Restored Hope Ministries on NTX Giving Day.” NTX Giving Day,

[8] Restored Hope Ministries. Frequently Asked Questions.

Street Address:

4301 Bryan St. #204, Dallas, Texas 75204 [map]

Cite this Page:

Mille Wiita, “Restored Hope Ministries,” Human Rights Dallas Maps, accessed July 27, 2024,

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